Ontario Rural Softball Association
“Where Real Amateurs Play For The Fun Of It”
Information and Frequently asked Questions
Welcome to the Ontario Rural Softball Association, known as the O.R.S.A. We would like to welcome your centre and teams to the ORSA Provincial Championship Playdowns.
The ORSA has been in existence since1931. Each division plays a Tournament Style Playdown except if there is a low number of teams registered, then a 2 out of 3 series may be used.
A copy of the By-Laws and Operating Rules is available on the ORSA website at www.ontarioruralsoftballassociation.ca . which contains residency rules, fees, special permission information and playing rules and exemptions.
Do we need insurance?
Yes EVERY team playing in the Provincial Championships require Liability Insurance as a minimum. Sport Accident insurance is optional but is strongly recommended. The ORSA offers insurance at a fee, see our website.
Do Coaches need to be Certified?
Yes EVERY onfield Coaching staff member must be certified with FOCS1 and FOCS2 as a minimum level and have a NCCP number. These are on line courses through Softball Ontario, see their website. All teams U15 and above must have one Coach certified with a Community Sport Coaching Certificate and all onfield coaching staff must have a NCCP number.
When Do the Championships start?
Usually Mid July. See the Tournament schedule on the webpage.
How do we sign up?
Coaches and Players must sign up using the Membership Registration System on our website.
How many players can we sign to our Roster?
It is recommended that you should sign up to 17 players on each team’s roster. Often Teams are scrambling to find enough players to play.
Do we need permission for players to play on our team?
Some situations require obtaining special permission and releases annually prior to May 31st.
Can a Player sign for two teams?
Yes, a player can sign for two teams in two different levels. They can also sign cards for two different Associations such as PWSA or OASA but must be at 2 different levels or Divisions.
Are All Provincial Playoffs Tournament Style?
Normally Yes, unless there are less than 3 teams that affiliate then it may be a two out three game series.
What rules does the ORSA use?
The ORSA follow the playing rules of Softball Canada but there are a few exception listed in our Operating Rules on the website.
How do we know who is Home Team?
At every Tournament game, the Home Team is determined by a flip of a coin 30 minutes prior to the teams taking the field.
How do we contact the ORSA Executive?
The Executive contact information is on our website or send an email to info@ontarioruralsoftballassociation.ca.